☆ Husbando Questionnaire ☆

Everyday Life

  1. What would your morning routine look like with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo, molestiae adipisci totam, commodi sunt ab atque iste expedita et quis accusamus beatae rem perspiciatis incidunt eum aliquam, inventore dolore vel.

  2. Does he drink coffee? What kind do you think he would like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. How long does it take him to get ready?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. What meal would your husbando prepare for you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. What are his eating habits like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  6. What kind of dessert does he like most?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. What kind of beverage does he drink?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. What restaurant would he take you to? What would he order?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. What are his sleeping habits like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. If he can't fall asleep, what will he do?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. What would he wear to bed?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. What might he dream about?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  13. Have you ever dreamt about him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  14. You fall asleep on him! How does he react?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  15. What would it be like to live together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  16. What chore is your husbando best and worst at?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  17. Is your husbando a good driver?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  18. What items would he add to the grocery list?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  19. How would you arrange your belongings to fit together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  20. What are his favourite things?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  21. What are some things he dislikes/hates?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  22. What habits of his would rub off on you and vice versa?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  23. Would he like a pet? What kind?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

Special Occasions

  1. Do you celebrate his birthday?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. What would you get him for his birthday?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. Would he like a party, or something more intimate?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. Would you have any birthday traditions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. Are you astrologically compatible?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  6. What does your ideal holiday with husbando look like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. Does he prefer the beach or the mountains?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. What is his preferred method of travel? (e.g. train, plane, boat)

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. Would he act different while on vacation?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. How would you spend Valentine's Day with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. How does he feel about the holiday? Is he cynical, supportive, etc.?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. Pick out a cheesy Valentine's themed item to gift each other.

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  13. What would his costume be on Halloween?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  14. Are you two going trick-or-treating?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  15. Does he prefer tricks or treats?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  16. What is his favourite type of candy?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  17. How would he feel about scary movies?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  18. How would he feel about the holiday season?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  19. What Christmastime tradition is his favourite?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  20. You and your husbando realize you are under mistletoe! How does he react?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  21. Is he better about giving gifts or receiving them?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  22. If he didn't like a gift, would he tell you, or would he try to like it because he loves you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  23. What kind of gift would you want to receive from him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  24. Does he have any end-of-year traditions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  25. Does he make resolutions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  26. Would he have any trouble staying up late?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  27. What is your husbando doing when the date rolls over?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  28. Does he continue partying into the next day, or does he go back to "normal?"

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  29. When is your anniversary? How long have you been together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  30. What would he do to celebrate your anniversary?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  31. How long do you think you will be together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  32. When did you discover your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  33. What was your first impression of him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  34. What made him stand out from others?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  35. When did your romantic longing begin?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  36. At the time, would you have guessed how important he'd be to your life?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  37. What kind of engagement ring would he like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  38. How will the proposal go?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  39. What would you want your wedding to be like?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  40. What are your marriage vows?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  41. Which song would you play for your first dance as a married couple?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  42. Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.


Share a song that...

  1. Reminds you of your husbando

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. Reminds you of your self-insert

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. Reminds you of your relationship

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. Describes the first time you met

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. Would play on your first date

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  6. Plays while you're cooking together

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. Sounds like your movie night

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. Makes you want to dance with him

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. Sounds like your first night spent in the same bed

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. Would be his lullaby to you

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. Would be your lullaby to him

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. Plays at your wedding

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

Songs that are good for...

  1. Mutual pining (or one-sided pining)

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. Imagining your future together

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. Saying what you wish you could tell him

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. Remembering when first found your husbando

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. Miscellaneous daydreaming

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

You can also put curated playlists here.


  1. What are your husbando's love languages?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. Do you have pet names for each other?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. What are some things you love about him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. What are some things he loves about you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. What would you write to him in a love letter?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  6. How might you try to fluster him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. What might prompt him to suddenly show you affection?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. Does he express his love more with words or with actions?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. Do you share any hobbies/interests?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. What would he think about your hobbies/interests?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. Do you think you might pick up each other's hobbies/interests?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. Where would you go on a date?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  13. How often do you make time just for him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  14. What is something new you could learn together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  15. What conversations would you most like to have with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  16. What would it feel like to hug your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  17. What's it like holding hands?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  18. How does he like to be kissed?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  19. What do you appreciate about his appearance?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  20. How would he feel about PDA?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  21. What textures do you associate with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  22. Best position for cuddling your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  23. Where would he most like to touch you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  24. Have you thought about where you might meet?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  25. Who initiates the romance? How does it start?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  26. How do you imagine him being during the start of your relationship?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  27. What would change as your relationship develops?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  28. In which ways are you compatible?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  29. How might outsiders react to your relationship?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  30. When does he realise he loves you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  31. What would he risk by being with you?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  32. What are your biggest obstacles to overcome?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  33. What benefit would you add to your husbando's life?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  34. How has loving your husbando changed you for the better?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  35. Which qualities of his would you like to emulate?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  36. How would you support each other in reaching your goals?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.


  1. What's your favourite quote from your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. Funniest moment with your husbando.



  3. Saddest moment?



  4. Coolest moment?



  5. Cutest thing he has ever done?



  6. Are there any scenes you would change?



  7. What scene from before or after canon would you like to see?



  8. Who does your husbando get along with?



  9. Does he have any enemies?



  10. Does he have a canon love interest? How do you compare?



  11. Do you ship your husbando with anyone?



  12. What's your husbando NOTP?



  13. Are you envious of any of his canon relationships?



  14. How do you feel about your husbando's character arc?



  15. What are some of his strengths and weaknesses?



  16. What's a question you want answered about him?



  17. Share an interesting canon fact or detail.



  18. What is the most important part of his characterization?



  19. What are some common misconceptions about your husbando?



  20. How would you describe his outlook on life/personal philosophy?



  21. If he was real, is your husbando the kind of guy you could get along with?



  22. Which official artwork is your favourite?



  23. What do you think of his theme music?



  24. Which husbando outfit/form do you like best?



  25. Has your husbando appeared in crossovers?



  26. Does he have merchandise? Do you own any?



  27. What's a little known secret about your husbando?



  28. Which fan theories about your husbando seem most likely to be true?



  29. If you could make one headcanon into canon, what would it be?



  30. Do you have any wishes for your husbando's character or source material?




  1. As someone in a 2D relationship, what do you call yourself?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  2. Do others know you have a husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  3. Opinion on 3DPD?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  4. What's it like being in an inter-reality relationship?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  5. Would you get an android of your husbando if you could?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  6. Do you talk to your husbando through AI chatbots?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  7. What is the hardest part of being yumejoshi?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  8. Do you try to simulate his physical presence?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  9. Where do you find inspiration for your husbando daydreams?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  10. What are your favourite ways to interact with him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  11. Has your love for your husbando ever waned?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  12. When do you feel closest to him?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  13. For how long do you think you'll stay together?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  14. Are you possessive over your husbando? How do you feel about his other fans?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  15. Do you have any friends with a similar lifestyle?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  16. Are you part of a group related to your husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  17. Would you encourage others to dedicate themselves to a husbando?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  18. Do you want your relationship to be legally recognised?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.

  19. What do you wish people (in general) understood about 2D relationships?

    Short answer.

    Further detail.


Hello! This is a collection of 150+ questions about your favourite fictional character. That includes husbandos, waifus, comfort characters, fictional others, or whatever else you want to call them. The Questionnaire is versatile and fully customisable, so feel free to fill it out with any character in mind!


Unlike other online questionnaires, this one doesn't work with a simple copy/paste. That's because the list and "read more" functions are created with HTML. To keep the proper formatting, you'll need to download the files themselves.

Here are my detailed instructions:

  1. Download the .HTML and .CSS files (Right click the link and 'save as')
  2. Put them in the same directory
  3. Edit with software of your choice
  4. ???
  5. Profit

Really, it's that simple! Work on the files like you would any other, and do whatever you want with them. For example, this basic 2 column layout is only for ease of accessibility so, honestly, you could throw away the whole stylesheet. The world is your oyster!


Still, as the distributor of the Questionnaire, I feel inclined to make some suggestions. In my opinion, this is the best way to use the resource I'm sharing with you.

Further Reading

If you're curious about the coding or not sure what it all does, here are some resources you can check out.

Credit & Contact

When publishing the Questionnaire, there is no need to credit me. Nobody owns the questions or prompts, and anybody could have slapped together the HTML/CSS. That said, linking back to me will help others find the blank version, so.... Up to you.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please tell me all about it an e-mail. You can find my contact info on my homepage. And definitely e-mail me if you fill out the Questionnaire— I'd be happy to read about the characters you love so much!